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Application Service Options

The table below lists the possible options for an Application Service. The options for the Application Service are specified for the Application Service Listener. The platform specific sections (Java, Windows, and iSeries) should be consulted to see how the options are configured for an Application Service.

Parameter Description
Websydian Server IP address The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Server is started.
Websydian Server port The TCP port on which the Websydian Server listens.

Application Service Token

The Token that identifies the Application Service. The Token is expressed using URL notation:
  wsydwa://<host>:<port>/<service name>
The IP address of the machine where the Application Service is started
TCP port that the Application Service listens on.
Service Name
The name identifying the Websydian application this Application Service belongs to.


Time to live The time in seconds the Token is valid before it should be returned to the Application Service. A value of 0 means that the Token is valid forever.

If another party holds the Token while it times out it should be returned to the Application Service. When the Token is returned to the Application Service, the Application Service will resubmit the Token to the Websydian Server with a new time-out value.

Recover from error A value of 'N' will force the Application Service to shut down whenever an error occurs.

For the value 'Y' the Application Service will try to recover from simple errors such as an illegal packet or an error in the packet protocol.

Socket time out Time-out in seconds for read/write operations on the TCP socket.

The default value is 0 which means that the Application Service will not time-out on socket operations.

HTTPBodyEncoding When a request is received from the web server it will be encoded using a character encoding. If the character encoding is not specified with the request, then the encoding specified by this parameter will be used.

This parameter is also used to translate the response from the local character set to the character set expected by the browser, if no character set was specified by the application.

Example values:

  • ISO-8859-1 (Western Europe)
  • ISO-8859-2 (Eastern Europe)
Websydian Server Timeout When the Application Service is started it will connect to the Websydian Server to register itself as running.

If this connection fails (e.g. because the Websydian Server is not started), then the Application Service will wait the specified number of seconds before making another attempt to connect to the Websydian Server.

The Application Service will try 3 times before terminating if it is not possible to connect to the Websydian Server.