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Introduction Implementing Parts Other Uses
The JasminePortalSession contains only one data entity: JasmineSession.
The JasminePortalUser contains only one data entity: JasmineUser.
The JasmineSession stores the Websydian Session ID together with the accompanying Jasmine Session ID and defines JasmineSession views and scoped functions.
The JasmineSession entity defines the following fields:
SessionID | Unique Session identification created by SessionControl (included in the library WSYSESS) |
JasmineSession | The Cleverpath Portal Session ID passed from Cleverpath Portal. Is used by Cleverpath Portal to uniquely identify a session similarly to Websydian. |
The JasmineUser stores the Websydian User ID together with the accompanying Jasmine User ID and defines JasmineUser views and scoped functions.
The JasmineUser entity defines the following fields:
UserLoginName | Unique User identification created by UserManagement (included in the library WSYUSER) |
JasmineUserID | The Cleverpath Portal User ID passed from Cleverpath Portal. Is used by Cleverpath Portal to uniquely identify a user similarly to Websydian. |
One additional view has been defined for JasmineSession: FetchByJasmineSession.
The FetchByJasmineSession view contains only the records in the JasmineSession table with a given JasmineSession field value. It scopes a SingleFetch function that restricts on the JasmineSession field value given as input to the function.
The Abstract entity contains the Session-enhanced Dispatcher enhanced with functionality to handle the integration with Cleverpath Portal:
The Abstract.EventDispatcher function is a Session Dispatcher pattern prepared for Cleverpath Portal Session Integration, i.e. the Dispatcher function of the Websydian application implements Cleverpath Portal Session Integration by inheritance from this pattern.
It is necessary to replace the abstract CreateSession in the local entity:
MySession.Abstract.Dispatcher | replaces FNC ...by FNC |
SessionControl.Data.Session.Update.CreateSession MySession.Data.Session.Update.CreateSession |
The CallFirstPageGenerator is enhanced with the capability to distinguish requests from Cleverpath Portal from standard browser requests.
The WebsydianConnectionPortlet Java class file is necessary for the connection between Websydian and Cleverpath Portal.