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Overview Installation Operation Parts Background Error Handling
A number of commands are available for controlling the DWA environment in order to e.g. stop or suspend the operations of the different components.
The Websydian Application Services running in a DWA system are controlled with the commands described below. Parameters can be specified at the command line or in a property file. Use the -? option to see the required format when specifying parameters at the command line, e.g.
java -cp WsydDwa21.jar activate -?
Parameters specified on the command line has higher precedence than parameters specified in the property file.
All commands will during execution display status information in the output window. This information can be used to determine if the command succeeded.
When specifying IP addresses and TCP port numbers it is possible to use
the null port and the null address as a symbol for all ports/addresses.
This means that in order to activate all tokens belonging to a
specific Application Service Name the IP address for the token should
be set to "", and the TCP port to "0".
Before reading this document it would be a good idea to read the Websydian DWA Background section for more information about how the components in a DWA system relates to each other. Especially the section about Token states is recommended as it will help to understand the commands in this document.
Some of the commands has a *.name, *.ipaddr, and *.tcpport property. Instead of using these three properties, the *.url property can be used to specify all three values in one entry using the following format:
This command instructs the Websydian Server to suspend a specific token. When a token is suspended, the Websydian Server will refuse to deliver the token when it is requested by a Relay Service.
If the token is not known by or not present at the Websydian Server, the token will be blocked. As soon as the token is delivered by the Application Service, the token will be suspended.
In order to execute the Suspend command, the Websydian Server IP address and TCP port must be specified along with the token to be suspended. The command is:
java -cp WsydDwa21.jar suspend suspend.prop
The format of the property file is:
websydianserver.tcpport: 8189
applicationservice.tcpport: 11001
applicationservice.name: WEBDEMO1
applicationservice.url: wsydwa://
This command activates suspended tokens by connecting to the Websydian Server and requesting an activation of the token. This means that the token afterwards will be available for requests from the Relay Service. If the token is already activated or the token is not known by the Websydian Server the command will be ignored by the Websydian Server.
In order to execute the Activate command, the Websydian Server IP address and TCP port must be specified along with the token to be activated. The command is:
java -cp WsydDwa21.jar Activate -f Activate.prop
The format of the property file is:
websydianerver.tcpport: 8189
applicationservice.tcpport: 11001
applicationservice.name: WEBDEMO1
applicationservice.url: wsydwa://
This command connects to the Relay Service and instructs it to return a specific token to the Websydian Server.
In order to execute the Release command, the Relay Service IP address and TCP port must be specified along with the token to be released. The command is:
java -cp WsydDwa21.jar release release.prop
The format of the property file is:
commandserver.tcpport: 12000
applicationservice.name: WEBDEMO1
applicationservice.tcpport: 11001
applicationservice.url: wsydwa://
This command connects to the Websydian Server and tries to retrieve a token in order to terminate the Application Service represented by the token.
In order to execute the Term command, the Websydian Server IP address and TCP port must be specified as well as the token to be terminated. The command is:
java -cp WsydDwa21.jar term term.prop
The format of the property file is:
websydianserver.tcpport: 8189
applicationservice.tcpport: 11001
applicationservice.name: WEBDEMO1
applicationservice.url: wsydwa://
applicationservice.password: secret
The password property is necessary when the Application Service has
been configured to use a password. The property can be omitted if the
Application Service has not been configured to use a password.
Please note that not all Application Service implementations support the
password option in which case the password property also should be ignored
when launching the Term command.
The correct way to end an Application Service is to execute the Suspend, Release, and Term commands in the mentioned sequence.
When using the servlet Relay Service the Relay Service is ended by stopping the web server or by forcing the web server to unload all Websydian Relay Service Servlets.
For iSeries a service command is made available called ENDAS which ends one or several Application Services controlled.
This command is used to end the Websydian Server.
Please observe that if the Websydian Server has any tokens when a TermServer is received, then these tokens will be lost. So before ending a Websydian Server all Application Services should be ended as described above thereby removing all tokens from the DWA system.
In order to execute the TermServer command, the Websydian Server IP address, TCP port, and password must be specified. The command is:
java -cp WsydDwa21.jar termserver termserver.prop
The format of the property file is:
websydianserver.tcpport: 8189
websydianserver.password: secretword
For iSeries an service command is made available called ENDWS which performs the task for closing the Websydian Server.
When something goes wrong DWA returns an error. Please refer to the DWA Error Codes list document for further information.
The command ENDAS has been provided to controlled end Application Services.
Add the Websydian runtime library to the library list and type ENDAS followed by F4 to list the parameters.
The command ENDWS has been provided to controlled end the Websydian Server.
Add the Websydian runtime library to the library list and type ENDWS followed by F4 to list the parameters.