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TransacXML Introduction



Introduction to XML Development with Websydian

Websydian TransacXML offers a relational abstraction of XML documents. The relational abstraction of XML documents enables the Websydian developer to access data in the XML document as though they were stored in a relational database.

In order for TransacXML to be able to retrieve data from the XML document, information about the structure of the XML document needs to be modeled in the CA Plex model.

The structure of XML documents can be described using a DTD (Document Type Definition), an XML Schema, or by an sample XML file. The implementation guide describes how to carry out the conversion process of information from the DTD, or XML document into triples and objects in the CA Plex model.

Websydian TransacXML introduces well-known database access functions (e.g. SingleFetch and ProcessGroup) which can be used to retrieve data from an XML document, thus providing the developer with a view of the XML data as though they were stored in a relational database.

The TransacXML module enables the Websydian developer to access data in XML documents using equivalents to well-known relational database functions such as SingleFetch and ProcessGroup.

The DOM Function Suite

A part of the Websydian TransacXML product is the DOM Function Suite implementing the DOM (Document Object Model) interface to XML documents providing an interface to the W3C DOM standard for accessing XML documents.

Refer to the Websydian DOM Function Suite documentation for further information. For specific information about how to setup your environment for TransacXML please look here.

Background documents

We have created a small number of background documents that contains information about specific problem domains.

Getting started

A series of documents that contains basic information about XML and how it is handled in TransacXML.


Understanding the implementation of namespaces in XML in general is one of the areas that often provides serious challenges.

Some of the most common problems relates to the meaning and handling of the namespace declarations found in XML documents. The following document contains a simplified explanation of these declarations.

The implementation of namespaces in TransacXML is described in the following document.

Handling Schema and WSDL files

When creating XML applications you will very often either have to be able to produce a W3C XML Schema describing your XML documents - or WSDL files describing the web services you provide. In other cases an external partner will provide either a W3C XML schema for an XML document you must be able either create or read - or a WSDL file describing a web service you must be able to call.

The creation of W3C XML schemas for XML documents defined in TransacXML is described in this document.

The creation of WSDL files based on a TransacXML implemented web service is described in the following document.

The import of an W3C XML schemas and/or WSDL files into TransacXML is described here:

XML References

Visit the following web sites for further information on XML and DOM: