Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Export Structure


This utility function allows you to export all or a part of the site structure.

After you have filled out the fields and click on the Export button, then a file is downloaded to your PC containing all the information needed to re-create this structure in another WebsydianExpress installation. This could be another site in the current installation or even just another branch of the site structure.

The exported structure can later be imported into another site (partial or for a full export) or it can be imported into the same site structure under another node.

As you have clicked on the node from which the export of the menu structure must start, the menu item's  description is shown as a confirmation of the export starting point.


Export comment

You can enter a comment that describe what you are going to export.

It is optional to enter a comment.

File encoding

This combo box lets you select the character encoding to be used when creating the export file.

Related information

Import structure
Reference documentation on how to import a site structure
Export/import site structure background