Online documentation - Websydian v6.0

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Websydian Concepts

The Websydian Concept pages will give you a short introduction to the dynamics and the main function patterns of Websydian.

The Websydian Circle and the Main Functions

The Websydian Circle illustrates the basic flow of a Websydian application.  The page will describe how a Websydian application delegates the requests from a web browser, and how resulting HTML pages are produced.  These tasks are performed by the Websydian main functions.

Distributed Websydian Architecture (DWA)

Read more about DWA and the Web Service Interfaces in Websydian.

Document Templates

In most web development tools, development of web server programs outputting HTML pages is considered a tedious task which requires a substantial amount of development effort.  Websydian handles this challenge in a very elegant way by using Document Templates for representing the layout of the HTML pages.

Read more about how the dynamic generation of HTML pages in Websydian are controlled by Document Templates.

Technical Documents

Read the two technical documents listed below for a short explanation of how web applications are implemented in Websydian.  The documents will help you to understand the basic principles of Websydian from a technical perspective:

Websydian Architecture: This document compares Websydian applications with the architecture of traditional AllFusion Plex GUI applications.
Websydian Application Steps: This document describes the general steps of a web application and points out the steps handled by Websydian.