Online documentation - Websydian v6.0

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Websydian Product Suite - Overview

This page contains links to the documentation of the Enterprise E-Business development products contained in the Websydian Product Suite

Enterprise Web Developer

Websydian Enterprise Web Developer is a complete development environment for building HTML applications on the Internet.  At the same time, the Enterprise Web Developer provides the base patterns used by the other Enterprise Development products (except for the TransacXML Developer which does not make use of the Web Developer patterns).

The Web Developer documentation can be accessed directly from the Documentation introduction page giving access to the following parts of the documentation:

Enterprise TransacXML Developer

Websydian Enterprise TransacXML is a complete XML development environment enabling development of transactional XML applications tightly integrated with corporate systems.

TransacXML also includes support for building SOAP-based web services with automatic generation of WSDL-files, that can be used by corporate partners or customers to connect to the web service.

For more information read the TransacXML Developer Documentation and the TransacXML Web Service documentation.

Enterprise Wireless Developer

Wireless development with Websydian can be either in WAP or I-Mode.

Enterprise WebShop Developer

Websydian Enterprise WebShop Developer is a complete foundation for building true enterprise-class web shopping applications. WebShop Developer completely integrates with back-end systems and provides a framework for rapid development of all classes of WebShop applications from simple Shops to sophisticated E-business application based on item selection and processing, with or without online payment facilities.

Read the Enterprise WebShop Developer Documentation

Enterprise Cleverpath Portal Developer

The Cleverpath Portal Developer product enables a company to present multiple applications in a Cleverpath Portal and to develop integrated applications specific for the Cleverpath Portal.

Read the Cleverpath Portal Developer Documentation.