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Introduction Implementing Other Uses Parts
This document describes the objects of the Websydian WebShop pattern.
The following abstract entities are defined:
The following abstract functions are defined:
The following data entities are defined in Websydian WebShop:
Cart | Implementation of Shopping Cart
Functionality. Refer to the Cart introduction for a general description. |
Cart | A mechanism to collect items in a Cart for a GenericUser for a Session. | |
Item | Items that can be ordered in the shop. | |
ItemLineInCart | Items added to a Cart with ordered quantity. | |
CategoryStructure | Implementation of Item Category Structure. Refer to the Category Structure introduction for a general description. | |
Node | Node is inherited from the WsyStructure pattern and contains the product categories in WebShop. | |
Link | Link is inherited from the WsyStructure pattern and links nodes to sub nodes. | |
ExpandedLink | ExpandedLink is inherited from the WsyStructure pattern and keeps track of the path of selected category nodes for each user session. | |
ItemRelation | Links items to item category nodes allowing item to appear in more than one item category. | |
User and Session Management | Entities that implement User and Session
Management. The UserManagement entity inherits from the standard Websydian
User Management pattern. The SessionManagement entity inherits from the standard Websydian
Session Control pattern. Refer to the User Management Introduction for a general description. |
Session | Standard Session enhanced with relations to Cart, GenericUser and Node. | |
User | Contains the registered users of the web shop. | |
GenericUser | A common denominator for both WebShop visitors that had provided contact information and registered users. | |
Miscellaneous | NextSurrogate | Implements SurrogateSystem functionality in order to provide unique keys to WebShop entities that inherit from the Surrogate entity pattern. |
Shop | Implements a Shop and provides a starting point for item category structure at user session creation. | |
ShopProperties | Dynamic properties for a WebShop such as E-mail addresses, mail headers, dynamic texts and more. |
The Fields function scopes all fields used by the WebShop pattern. By including the fields in the pattern itself, it is possible to change the properties of a field in an implemented application without having to replace the field.
All fields - except the _Type and _Local fields scoped under the Fields function object - are data fields specified by the entities of the WebShop application. These fields are described in the Data Entity Part sections above.
All fields used by the WebShop pattern inherits from a field scoped under the _Type field object. These fields identifies the types and domains of data fields.
The _Local field object contains local (non-database) fields used by the WebShop application.
The following web functions and function categories are defined in the WebShop pattern:
Display Error Message | Error page for the WebShop pattern. |
EventDispatcher | Standard Websydian event dispatcher for the WebShop pattern. |
Navigation | Page generator functions concerning framesets, menus, and item category structure navigation. |
Ordering | Page generator functions concerning item listing, cart listing, and order purchase. |
UserMgt | Page generator functions concerning user management including contact information maintenance for GenericUser. |
The following main web functions are defined in the WebShop pattern:
AdministratorMenu | The MDI menu application for the WebShop
Administrator Program. The MDIParent sub function must be
generated as EXE-file in order to start the MDI application. The MDI parent calls the MDI children listed below. |
CategoryProductStructureUI. TreeGrid | The MDI child function for managing item categories and relating item categories nodes to items. |
CategoryProductStructureUI. EditCategoryList | The function for managing subcategories for a single item category. Called from CategoryProductStructureUI. TreeGrid. |
CategoryProductStructureUI. EditProducts | The MDI child function for editing products in the item table. |
CategoryProductStructureUI. ProductSelector | The function for selecting products from the item table. |
CategoryProductStructureUI. RelateProductsToCategory | The function for relating item categories nodes to items by creating instances of ItemRelation. Called from CategoryProductStructureUI. TreeGrid. |
GenericUserEditUI | The MDI child function for editing GenericUser Instances. If a registered user exists for the GenericUser, the User data is displayed. |
UserEditUI | The MDI child function for editing User instances. Data for the related GenericUser instance is edited together with User Data. |
OrderUI | The MDI child function for managing orders by listing Cart instances. A single Cart can be selected and its ItemLineInCart instances can be edited |
ShopEditUI | The MDI child function for editing Shop instances. |
ShopPropertiesUI | The MDI child function for editing ShopProperties instances. |