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Deploying DWA Applications

Version 1.0, November 2003


Welcome to the Distributed Websydian Architecture deployment guides. The deployment guides are a collection of white papers describing how to deploy each of the components in the Distributed Websydian Architecture on a various number of platforms. For further background information on the Distributed Websydian Architecture read the document "Distributed Websydian Architecture Background".

DWA Configuration Sheet

The DWA Configuration Sheets are documents that help you get an overview of all settings required for the different components in the Distributed Websydian Architecture. Make sure to print and fill out the configuration sheets before following the deployment guides.

The deployment guides have references to the configuration sheets using orange bullet numbers, like .

The configuration sheet is available as one complete "know it all" and also for each of the different components with a minor difference depending on the different platforms.

The complete configuration sheet is available here.

DWA Deployment Tools

The DWA Deployment Tools are a set of command line scripts for Windows to help you perform tasks that has to do with the deployment of the Distributed Websydian Architecture components. Download the latest version of DWA Deployment tool and unpack it into a directory of your choice..

General Deployment Considerations

The Distributed Websydian Architecture consists of three components

These three components use TCP/IP to communicate with each other. When deploying consider these components as individuals, focusing on one component at a time. Deploy the components in the order listed above, starting with the Websydian Server.

For an overview of example scenarios take a look at this presentation.

Deploying and Starting the Websydian Server

The following are deployment guides available for the Websydian Server:

Deploying and Starting the Application Services

The following are deployment guides available for the Application Services:

Deploying the Relay Service

The following are deployment guides available for the Relay Service